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About Shasta Reformed Church

Shasta Reformed Church is a new church plant in Shasta county. We are a community of believers committed to the faithful preaching and teaching of the Word of God, the sacraments, prayer, and the fellowship of the saints. Our desire is to see all peoples magnify and enjoy the glory of God in the Lord Jesus Christ. We welcome you to join us in our unwavering commitment to worship Christ the King and work diligently, by his grace, to build his kingdom here in Shasta County.

Our Elders:

We believe that God has clearly laid out his Church leadership structure in scripture. We believe that God teaches every local church to be led by two offices with distinct roles, These offices being Elders and Deacons. Both these offices are to be held by biblically qualified men.

Garrett Robert

Preaching Elder

Born to a faithful Christian family, Garrett grew up in Northern California. His father was a pastor, and the rest of his family faithfully served the same church throughout his childhood. Although raised in a Christian home, Garrett was not born again until early high school. After high school, Garrett began bible school at Cornerstone Bible College and Seminary in Vallejo, CA. While attending bible school, Garrett married his high school sweetheart, Claire. As God's sovereign plan would have, Garrett and Claire moved to Phuket, Thailand, in 2019, where Garrett was the preaching Elder at an international church and Claire, being a licensed cosmetologist, led a vocational training program helping rescued, sex-trafficked women learn the business of cosmetology. In 2020, Garrett and Claire were blessed by God with their first little girl, Amelia. In 2022, God added to their number by giving them another daughter, Laylani. After serving the Lord in Thailand for almost six years, they felt it was time to return home to serve the people of Northern CA, so Shasta Reformed Church was planted in 2024. 
Garrett has a passion for preaching and teaching the Bible. In his preaching, you will find a deep concern for both Exegetical and Biblical Theology, the glory of God in all things, and the primacy of the Gospel in every text. Garrett longs to see individuals, families, and the church submit their entire lives to Christ by faith and live in bold and unwavering obedience to him. 


What We Believe

We will teach, believe, and hold to: The Westminster Confession & Shorter Catechism, The Apostles Creed, The Nicene Creed, The Athanasian creed, The Definition Of Chalcedon, The Canons of Dort, and The Nashville Statement.

We believe when God's people gather together to worship him, they must do so according to God's law. We believe that covenant worship of God, as seen in the scriptures, is always organized in these six aspects:

  1. God Reveals himself and calls his people to worship.

  2. The people acknowledge their sins and confess their need for forgiveness.

  3. God provides atonement.

  4. God speaks his word.

  5. God’s people respond with commitment.

  6. God hosts a celebratory feast.

We believe that the church needs to function according to what God has revealed in scripture. We commit, as a church, to be devoted to these eight functions.

  1. Covenant Renewal Worship gatherings

  2. Biblical leadership  

  3. Church membership

  4. Regular Men’s bible study

  5. Regular prayer gatherings

  6. Regular evangelism

  7. Regular engagement in ministry to the weak and vulnerable

  8. Confessionally Reformed

  1. Theological maximalism 

  2. Gospel-empowered idol smashing 

  3. Legacy-minded kingdom building

  4. Christian hedonism

  5. Reformed catholicity (catholicity meaning the quality of being universal) 

  6. Eschatological Optimism

Shasta Reformed Church

(707) 328-1609​

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